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'200 idioms you should know' for school students
'200 idioms you should know' for school students
- 4 Reviews
- 3200 Students

Course Overview
Usage of idioms enrich the conversations of Children. Unfortunately, students don't have a sustainable way to learn and use idioms because most of the times they simply resort to memorizing idioms. To solve this problem we have created '200 idioms you should know - for school students.'
'200 idioms you should know' is a compilation of 200 popularly used idioms along with its usage explained in the form of short stories / day-to-day conversations. In addition to learning the meaning of these 200 idioms you will also have a thorough understanding of how to use these idioms correctly.
Ability to read & comprehend basic English
Learning Outcomes
- Ability to use idioms correctly
- Application of idioms in day-to-day conversations
- Identifying common errors while using idioms
- Assured Certification
- Self Paced Learning
- Unlimited 3-week access
Course Curriculum
- Lecture: 11) A breath of fresh air
- Lecture: 22) A clean bill of health
- Lecture: 33) A whole new ball game
- Lecture: 44) Achilles heel
- Lecture: 55) Add fuel to the fire
- Lecture: 66) Alive and kicking
- Lecture: 78) Any port in a storm
- Lecture: 87) An arm and a leg
- Lecture: 99) Banana republic
- Lecture: 1010) Flog a dead horse
- Lecture: 1111) Bitter pill to swallow
- Lecture: 1212) Blow a fuse
- Lecture: 1313) Build bridges
- Lecture: 1414) Call a spade a spade
- Lecture: 1515) Come clean
- Lecture: 1616) Rain or shine
- Lecture: 1717) Cry wolf
- Lecture: 1818) Dead to the world
- Lecture: 1919) Dog eat Dog
- Lecture: 2020) Draw the short straw
- Lecture: 2121) Eat humble pie
- Lecture: 2222) Face the music
- Lecture: 2323) Feel blue
- Lecture: 2424) Fish for compliments
- Lecture: 2525) Gain ground
- Lecture: 2626) Get along like a house on fire
- Lecture: 2727) Good fences make good neighbours
- Lecture: 2828) Have a card up one’s sleeve
- Lecture: 2929) Have an axe to grind
- Lecture: 3030) Have bigger fish to fry
- Lecture: 3131) Hit the nail on the head
- Lecture: 3232) Horse of a different colour
- Lecture: 3333) Eat my hat
- Lecture: 3434) Itchy feet
- Lecture: 3535) Jump on the bandwagon
- Lecture: 3636) Keep the wolf from the door
- Lecture: 3737) Kick the bucket
- Lecture: 3838) Lame duck
- Lecture: 3939) Let sleeping dogs lie
- Lecture: 4040) Magic wand
- Lecture: 4141) Make a mountain out of a molehill
- Lecture: 4242) Make waves
- Lecture: 4343) Mark my words
- Lecture: 4444) Miss the boat
- Lecture: 4545) Necessity is the mother of invention
- Lecture: 4646) Not enough room to swing a cat
- Lecture: 4747) Not hold water
- Lecture: 4848) Over my dead body
- Lecture: 4949) Pass the hat around
- Lecture: 5050) Play second fiddle
- Lecture: 5151) Put one’s shoulder to the wheel
- Lecture: 5252) Set the cat among pigeons
- Lecture: 5353) Put words in someone’s mouth
- Lecture: 5454) Rain cats and dogs
- Lecture: 5555) Raised eyebrows
- Lecture: 5656) Rome was not built in a day
- Lecture: 5757) Red flag
- Lecture: 5858) Raw deal
- Lecture: 5959) Sell ice to Eskimos
- Lecture: 6060) Set the ball rolling
- Lecture: 6161) Sitting duck
- Lecture: 6262) To brush under the carpet
- Lecture: 6363) Salt of the earth
- Lecture: 6464) Take for a ride
- Lecture: 6565) Take to something like a duck to water
- Lecture: 6666) The jury is out
- Lecture: 6767) Throw in the towel
- Lecture: 6868) Under one’s thumb
- Lecture: 6969) Wake up on the wrong side of the bed
- Lecture: 7070) Walk on air
- Lecture: 7171) Walk the talk
- Lecture: 7272) Wear your heart on your sleeve
- Lecture: 7373) When pigs fly
- Lecture: 7474) Weather the storm
- Lecture: 7575) Wouldn’t be caught dead
- Lecture: 7676) Yoke around someone’s neck
- Lecture: 7777 ) Yellow journalism
- Lecture: 7878) Call it a day
- Lecture: 7979) Carry the ball
- Lecture: 8080) Calm before the storm
- Lecture: 8181) Cash cow
- Lecture: 8282) Castles in the air
- Lecture: 8383) Come hell or high water
- Lecture: 8484) Come to terms with
- Lecture: 8585) Cool as a cucumber
- Lecture: 8686) Couch Potato
- Lecture: 8787) Cog in the wheel
- Lecture: 8888) Get in someone’s hair
- Lecture: 8989) Green light
- Lecture: 9090) Green eyed monster
- Lecture: 9191) Cat out of the bag
- Lecture: 9292) Lion’s share
- Lecture: 9393) Love someone to death
- Lecture: 9494) Dance on someone’s grave
- Lecture: 9595) Devil-may-care
- Lecture: 9696) Drag one’s feet
- Lecture: 9797) Drop the subject
- Lecture: 9898) Odd duck/Odd ball
- Lecture: 9999) Old wives tales
- Lecture: 100100) Cost a pretty penny
- Lecture: 101101) Hit the road
- Lecture: 102102) Have a blast
- Lecture: 103103) Off the hook
- Lecture: 104104) Pop one’s clogs
- Lecture: 105105) Piece of cake
- Lecture: 106106) Pull someone’s leg
- Lecture: 107107) Right as rain
- Lecture: 108108) Take the cake
- Lecture: 109109) Through thick and thin
- Lecture: 110110) You can say that again
- Lecture: 111111) All and sundry
- Lecture: 112112) All she wrote
- Lecture: 113113) Ask for the moon
- Lecture: 114114) Account for
- Lecture: 115115) All sizzle and no steak
- Lecture: 116116) Ante up
- Lecture: 117117) Anything goes
- Lecture: 118118) At first glance
- Lecture: 119119) An earful
- Lecture: 120120) All hell breaking loose
- Lecture: 121121) A Man’s home is his castle
- Lecture: 122122) All spruced up
- Lecture: 123123) An Old warhorse
- Lecture: 124124) All joking aside
- Lecture: 125125) Across the pond
- Lecture: 126126) Neck on the line
- Lecture: 127127) All shook up
- Lecture: 128128) As full as a tick
- Lecture: 129129) Age before beauty
- Lecture: 130130) You are only as good as your last shift
- Lecture: 131131) Thank your lucky stars
- Lecture: 132132) You don’t miss the water till the well runs dry
- Lecture: 133133) You can’t make silk purse out of sow’s ears
- Lecture: 134134) You can run but you cannot hide
- Lecture: 135135) Young at heart
- Lecture: 136136) You snooze, you lose
- Lecture: 137137) You reap what you sow
- Lecture: 138138) X marks the spot
- Lecture: 139139) Variety is the spice of life
- Lecture: 140140) Visit a spell
- Lecture: 141141) Under fire
- Lecture: 142142) Under a spell
- Lecture: 143143) Below the belt
- Lecture: 144144) Under one’s wing
- Lecture: 145145) Up and running
- Lecture: 146146) Under the table
- Lecture: 147147) Up and coming
- Lecture: 148148) Unsung hero
- Lecture: 149149) Right up your alley
- Lecture: 150150) Uphill battle
- Lecture: 151151) Upper crust
- Lecture: 152152) Under the gun
- Lecture: 153153) Under one’s skin
- Lecture: 154154) Up in smoke
- Lecture: 155155) Along/go along for the ride
- Lecture: 156156) All washed up
- Lecture: 157157) All the world’s a stage
- Lecture: 158158) Back on one’s feet
- Lecture: 159159) Back down/Back off/Fink off/Cop out
- Lecture: 160160) Bang for the buck
- Lecture: 161161) Paint oneself into a corner
- Lecture: 162162) Blow someone/something out of the water
- Lecture: 163163) Blow someone’s mind
- Lecture: 164164) Bet dollars to donuts
- Lecture: 165165) Bare one’s soul
- Lecture: 166166) Bark worse than the bite
- Lecture: 167167) Bat one’s eyelashes
- Lecture: 168168) Be my guest
- Lecture: 169169) Be all end all
- Lecture: 170170) Be there or be square
- Lecture: 171171) Beggars can’t be choosers
- Lecture: 172172) Begs the question
- Lecture: 173173) Before you can say jack robinson
- Lecture: 174174) Beg to differ
- Lecture: 175175) Throw a curve
- Lecture: 176176) Blow the lid off
- Lecture: 177177) Beside oneself
- Lecture: 178178) Bringing down the house
- Lecture: 179179) Bringing home the bacon
- Lecture: 180180) Blind leading the blind
- Lecture: 181181) Blood is thicker than water
- Lecture: 182182) Neck and neck
- Lecture: 183183) Behind the eight ball
- Lecture: 184184) Until one is blue in the face
- Lecture: 185185) Going the extra mile
- Lecture: 186186) Bone to pick with
- Lecture: 187187) Bowl over
- Lecture: 188188) Born with a silver spoon
- Lecture: 189189) Bread and butter
- Lecture: 190190) Break the spell
- Lecture: 191191) Don’t sweat it
- Lecture: 192192) Break it down
- Lecture: 193193) Break into a sweat
- Lecture: 194194) Break the bank
- Lecture: 195195) Break his silence
- Lecture: 196196) Bright eyed and bushy tailed
- Lecture: 197197) By word of mouth
- Lecture: 198198) Build a better mousetrap
- Lecture: 199199) Bump into
- Lecture: 200200) Bumper to bumper
Santhosh Karnananda
- 5000+ Teaching Hours
- 13+ Years Experience
- 1,00,000+ students trained
Video Testimonials - O
Item Reviews -
sharmila02 Jun, 2021
Great way to spend my time & learn at the same time during this lockdown
Anandi06 Jun, 2021
Children today are losing the habit of reading. This course provides so much valuable information while making children read. I have already recommended this course to my neighbours.
Raghavendra22 Jun, 2021
Very-well designed course. I like the fact that every idiom has been explained in details using a short-story. This will ensure that children not only remember the meaning but also know how to use the idiom correctly.
Ramamoorthy Sridharan23 Jun, 2021
I bought this course for my daughter harini. I have seen the enthusiasm with which she goes through the course. I myself went through 10+ chapters in the course and understand that each idiom is taught with the help of a short story. This will ensure that children will remember what they learn. It will also ensure that they will always remember what they learnt. I will recommend to my colleagues to buy this course.
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